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Friday, February 03, 2006



Chana, nice to meet you. This is a wonderful post and I can't think of a nicer tribute to your dad than that story. Ot said a lot about the kind of father he was; caring and loving and intent on making you feel special. Now everyone knows it. Good for you!

Michele sent me.

Oh you made me cry!! What a lovely story about your father. You were his little angel and he treasured the program with your signature. That must've really told you something. So sorry to read that you've lost your dad.

Here via Michele today so don't mind me as I poke around...


Oh whoops, forgot to add my name to the comment above!

Joe Cool Cowboy Poet

Awwww, sweetie, he does know how much you love him, still does. He's with you always. Now he is your angel. I am glad that your mother passed that on to you. It truly is priceless and the memories it holds are there for comfort.

hugs, love and prayers always.


Never doubt your dad knew before and he still knows but I also understand your feelings of wanting more time. Our dad's are so very special to us and no one will ever take their place. Time does help but even that never removes the desire of wanting more with dad or for dad. This was a very special post, Chana thank you for sharing it.


Wow Chana that is a beautiful memory.


You have so many stories that bring tears to my eyes. I can imagine the delight in your dad's eyes when you came into the room. I'm sure he knew how much you loved him, and that he loved you and was so proud of you.


I found my dad's obituary as I packed things this week, and between it and this post I'm a tad choked up. What a wonderful keepsake.


I lost my Father many years ago but I still miss him on a daily basis... though not nearly as profoundly as I did those first few weeks... months... years...

I wanted to be able to tell you that it DOES get better... it just takes time.. and don't let anyone try to rush you to stop grieving.... because no-one but you will know when you are ready to...

Miss Cellania

This is a lovely tribute. Thanks.


Hi, Chana.You will never forget his memory, it will be held close to your heart forever.How awesome to find this in his side table, knowing how precious you were to him, he loved you and is watching you, and loving you today. God bless you. my new url if you take note is http://brite-new-life.blogspot.com/ Cheers, Carol

Mama B

WOW, that is such a touching story!! Thanks for sharing that with us.


That was a very touching post. It just makes you appreciate more about the memories you have on your dad. I'm sure his memories will live on not only in you but everyone in your family.


Wow! Very touching story.. My first time here. Those are cool memories to have. Come down to Texas and visit my little blog world when you get the chance.. Have a great day!


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