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Friday, February 10, 2006



I wish I would have had that book when I bought my Jack Russell.. He is the mosy hyper, non-obedient dog ever... : )
Two-step down to Texas to see the latest installment of the Friday Funnies. It is a classic..: ) Hope you have a great weekend babe!



Awwwww your puppy is the cutest ever!


OMG is that the cutest dog ever? Woof woof! (that's doggish for "yes")


It's only because of their adorableness that lets them get away with murder.. :)


Kinda brings back memories of "Turner & Hootch." ;)


Your friend is probably trying to tell you to stop whining about your dog after all you decided to get a dog. Well, see that's what I am sure all my friends think when I whine on my blog about my dog, George. He's a black lab. He's going to be two on Feb 22. To say that he has energy would be a vast understatement. But I still do love him, big crazy dog that he is.


Ewww such a cutie!

Miss Cellania

Your friend wanted to share a smile and a laugh with you. Thats all, enjoy it!


Hi, Michele sent me.

What a cutie.

Joe Cool Cowboy Poet

Awwww, he is so cute.....

Keep smilin' Hugs, love and prayers

Mama B

What a cute puppy you have!!! The book looks good too. It received great reviews. I may have to put in on my "books to read" list.


I just finished reading this book and its great! Laughed out loud a couple of times! Probably because, with 2 big dogs, I can relate...

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