(You know how I can't resist a list and here is one I stole from Jenny.)
In this time of reflections of the year and resolutions for the new, how about a list of thing I know I will NEVER do:
- Skydive.
- Sit back while my children are being disrespectful to someone else.
- Order the same thing that someone else at my table at a restaurant is ordering.
- Share my toothbrush.
- Be without a pet.
- Have to buy bigger jeans than my "fat jeans" in my closet.
- Have Mulberry or Raspberry potpourri in my house. (EWWW!)
- Get caught up in a sales pyramid.
- Model for Victoria's Secret. (I know, I know..I have had to block their calls because they just won't take no for an answer.)
- Stop reading.
- Roll my tongue.
- Play chess.
- Find armpit hair attractive on a woman.
- Dissect another fetal pig.
- Stop playing online spades.
- Function without my lists. (Case in point.)
- Have all my clocks in the house set to the same time. (This has been on Scott's to-do list since the last time change.)
- Eat rabbit.
- Get my belly button pierced. Again.
- Bunjee jump.
- Have another child.
- Figure out men. (Believe me, I gave this up a LONG time ago.)
- Put something/someone before my family.
- Pick up a hitch hiker.
- Wish I was a member of the opposite sex.
- Like the taste of beer.
- Be able to ride in the backseat of a vehicle without getting motion sick. (Yes, I know I am very high maintenance.)
- Stop taking pictures.
- Run for public office.
- Put conditions on the love I have for my children.
- Forget where I came from.
- Like having my picture taken.
- Worship any other God.
- Enjoy 'crunching' numbers.
- Understand my comptuer.
- Be a history buff. (I am horrible with dates!)
- Get a job in my field of study. (Don't think for one second that my parents haven't reminded me of this a few times.)
- Believe in aliens.
- Not put up our Christmas tree.
- Like raw onions.
- Keep up with the laundry.
- Understand my parents' thoughts on the spelling and pronunciation of my name.
- Be able to get a natural tan and keep it.
- Keep my closet organized and clean.
- Vacation by myself.
- Bite my fingernails.
- Repeat a joke EXACTLY like I heard it.
- Watch Jerry Springer.
- Not have a candle somewhere in my house.
And number 50...(drumroll please)
50. Stop blogging. (But I'll bet you already knew that.)
Let me know if you make a list of your own 50 things so I can come laugh at yours too!
Number 3 is me to a tee. I don't know why, but I absolutely cannot order the same thing as anyone else.
Posted by: Jazzy | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 10:42 AM
I've been skydiving daily for a week, and lemmi tell you:
Posted by: Sasha | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 01:52 PM
OMG I don't have to make my own list because everything on your list is mine except for #11 and 15! I may still "borrow" this and try to come up with some new ones.
Posted by: Cori | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 02:12 PM
Ha! Number 12 there... I'm a life member of the United States Chess Federation... as to understanding men, we're not hard to understand - we just always think completely opposite is all. ;)
Posted by: MrBob | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 04:01 PM
I used to have a friend who couldn't stand to order the same thing as anyone else. I'd always ask him what he was getting and order it before him. Or I'd let him order it first and then get it.
Posted by: Ryan Maynard | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 06:13 PM
I'm with ya on the fetal pig. I failed biology because I REFUSED to do that. I can still remember that smell...disgusting.
Posted by: Lindsey | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 07:50 PM
Oh feh. You could pull off Number 9 - I have no doubt of that.
Posted by: Joe Siegler | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 08:25 PM
yup, i'll agree to 90% of those.
and i may just have to create my own such list.
Posted by: honestyrain | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 09:35 PM
I haven't done a list, but I think you and I would get along great. I agree with about half, and disagree with about half, and I've found that the best friends are enough like you to give you something in common and enough different to keep you interested.
Posted by: TW | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 09:43 PM
You know, you should NEVER say never. You don't know where it could lead!
Posted by: Sarah | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 10:56 PM
Oh my gosh!! I was just looking at your pics and your nephew is so adorable I can't stand it! I love the one of him and the teddy bear - I just love when babies sleep like that!!
Posted by: Pink Sun Drops | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 12:45 AM
I must be one of the few that has never sat down to do a list, but it looks like fun. Must put it on my to-do list for 2005! Looking forward to getting to know me just a little better.
Posted by: A Touch of Style | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 07:01 AM
I love your list! I don't know how you are able to come up with all of these all the time. Ask me to list 5 things about me and I can't LOL Happy New Year
Posted by: Kim | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 09:34 AM
I have the same problem with you on Number 9. Geez, don't these guys ever get a clue?...
Happy New Year!
Posted by: Mellie Helen | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 11:43 AM
Oh wow, what a great list! I love your site by the way...How do you POSSIBLY get all the "Currently feeling..." and "currently happy beacuse..." things??? is it part of the design for your site or...??? :-)
Posted by: Rebecca | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 01:13 PM
HAHAHAHA...50 Things. You are going to make me work to find fifty things. I'll have to think about this.
Posted by: ken | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 06:30 PM
Aww, no aliens? The rest make sense, but you'll NEVER believe in 'em? Ever? LOL
Posted by: Meg | Monday, January 03, 2005 at 11:49 AM
Awesome list Chandra. Your's is MUCH funnier than mine. You constantly crack me up.
xx Jenny
Posted by: Jenny | Wednesday, January 05, 2005 at 01:15 PM
I will never:
stop being your friend.
Posted by: BB | Monday, October 19, 2009 at 01:42 PM