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Friday, October 22, 2004



Last week I had "Picture Book" by the Kinks stuck in my head because that HP commercial kept running it over and over. A couple of times is OK, but when you go to sleep thinking about it and wake up STILL thinking about it, that's a bit much!


Now its in my head, but at least I like the song.

SA Girl

I enjoyed visiting here, you kids are great and I loved the photos :) I enjoyed your 100 things and life list - I saw the Eiffel Tower in August = but goodness, don't visit there in August!! I just freaked over the crowds and the lines - ewwww. I think dh and I should go there in winter alone :) Have a great weekend.


Gee, thanks for sharing! NOT! now it's in my head too.


Lalalalalalala...not listening to Chana's song because I already have C'mon Get Happy by the PartPartridge Family in my head. Oh, wait, on second thought...wanna trade?

Kennedy's Daddy

I hate that band. For obvious reasons.

prince ca

I loved that song. I must download it now!

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