So, I have one party down and one more to go...
I had Jace's birthday party today and am hosting Kelly's bridal tea tomorrow afternoon.
THEN, I can take a deep breath, or at least I hope I can.
Which brings me to tonight. We went to the grocery store to pick up some last minute items for the luncheon tomorrow and I saw I was running low on gas. Being that I knew I would be running around tomorrow and wouldn't have much leisure time I thought I had better fill up tonight.
Scott is, of course, in the car taking his 40 'evening' pills and could not be disturbed and the boys were in the middle of something in the back seat so I jumped out to take care of matters. I am standing by the pump piddling around when a gentleman a couple of pumps over does a double-take and tells me I am "too pretty" to be pumping my gas. Embarrassed, and caught a little of guard, I thank him and start to chuckle. He asks me where "he" is...I say, "Oh, HE is in the car."
He shakes his head and says he needs to be whooped. Again, I laugh. I hang the nozzle up and relay the story to Scott who snorts and says "whatever" and says he doesn't even know what that means. I tell him that the man must have thought I would have someone who would pump my gas for me. Scott just shook his head and rolled his eyes.
My question is this: If it was no big deal, then why did Scott slump in his seat as we were pulling out and the man waved at me?
Of course I had to test this theory out by making sure I was "too pretty" for someone not to let me out of the grocery store parking lot in a long line of cars -- which worked. Also, I was "too pretty" to bring in all the groceries. I am gonna see how long I can milk this one for sure!
I am thinking I will probably be "too pretty" to do the kitty litter in the morning and also "too pretty" to do all the laundry.
Boy oh boy -- you just couldn't wait to get this story posted! ;-)
What I said, in fact, was, "What does it mean that 'you're too pretty to pump your own gas'?" Since when do pretty folks get a free pass on such chores?! That's what I meant. But you're just eatin' it up. heh heh
Posted by: Scott Miller | Friday, July 30, 2004 at 10:01 PM
I am way too pretty to have comments like this on my blog!
Posted by: Chana | Friday, July 30, 2004 at 10:25 PM