Things on my list to do today:
1. Give kitten her medicine
2. Take Shane to a summer school class
3. Take Jace to Dr's office to have his hand x-rayed again to make sure it's not broken(And the verdict is: a broken finger)
4. Go to check out tea rooms for my niece's bridal luncheon(Still at a loss, no decision made)
5. Make sure tae kwon do uniforms are all cleaned and pressed
6. Sit at the tae kwon do studio for hours or else run back and forth from there to home for the rest of the day for everyone's classes
7. Somehow squeeze a few meals in here
8. Make sure Homeowners Association budget is in order and print out enough for each home(They were even in color!)
9. Go to the Homeowners Association meeting and listen to everyone squabble(I kid you not, a lady got up in the middle of the meeting when she didn't like some of the decisions having to be made and asked if anyone knew a realtor because she was moving)
10. Make sure everyone has at least brushed their teeth (not just their gums) before passing out into bed (OOPS, you think the remembered on their own?)
Anyone wanna trade?
your day sounds like mine
Posted by: Joy | Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 11:57 AM