I took the boys to have their summer dentist appointments yesterday.
I was talking to the dentist about Jace's horrid brushing routines. I know he brushes twice a day but his teeth are filthy. I can literally scratch off the scum with my fingernail and sometimes resort to brushing his teeth myself.
I was explaining to the dentist that I try and tell him to brush up against his gums but for some reason that doesn't sink in. With a shocked look Jace turned to me and said, "Mom! All this time I thought you were saying for me to only brush my gums!"
So, I guess my 8 year old has the cleanest gums ever at this point?
I've never had a cavity in my life. Ever. No root canal, no nothing. Only ever had cleanings in my life. Dentists hate me.
And I don't take particularly great care of my teeth either. I also open beer bottles with 'em. ;)
Posted by: J | Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 11:11 AM