WARNING: If you have NOT yet watched Survivor and have it tivoed to watch later do NOT read this post! Look away, I tell you!
Ok, if you are still here -- I hate to say this but I am so glad Shii Ann is gone! She makes some valid points about busting up some of the alliances BUT she just alienates everyone! She seems to think she is so better than everyone else and if she is so much smarter, why doesn't she realize that she needs to fly BELOW the radar?? All of the other Survivor winners have had this in common. They did NOT stir things up. Yes, go down with a fight I guess but SHEESH! "Stupid, stupid people!"
Sadly to say, I was shocked to see her have such a quiet and subdued Mother. I know she actually had a Mother and wasn't just hatched but Shii Ann is so in your face! What was up with a grown woman continuously crying for her "Mommy"?
And, yes, I believe Amber is very much playing the 'game' with everything she has. So..? The difference is she is playing it smartly! Good luck to her!
I guess I am still pining over the loss of Ethan.
Ok, that's my Survivor rant for today!
Happy Friday everyone! :)
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