Ok, since my best and worst of 2003 posting -- I have been thinking of all sorts of top ten lists. I may from time to time have a top 10 of sorts but for now I have a 'then and now' sort of list. Especially here at the beginning of a new year, when I take inventory of where I'm at and where I've been. If you don't think you've changed much....think back to when you were a teenager. Here's what I discovered:
The things I really liked when I was a teenager that I don’t much care for now:
1. permed hair
2. Diet Coke/Tab
3. gold jewelry
4. The Love Boat
5. McDonald’s
6. double-pierced ears
7. red cars
8. MTV
9. being popular
10. Michael Jackson
Ten things I didn’t much care for when I was a teenager that I really like now:
1. computers
2. spending time with my family
3. art
4. discount stores
5. intellectual conversations
6. nice guys
7. comfortable shoes
8. gardening
9. looking at old pictures
10. myself
Ten things I’ve never much cared for and very likely never will:
1. math
2. tattoos
3. doctor visits
4. raw onions
5. tube tops
6. scary movies
7. liver
8. making up my bed
9. vitamins
10. people that don’t ever learn how to say my name
Ten things I’ve always liked and very likely always will:
1. the color pink
2. hairspray (can’t live without it)
3. veggies
4. Keds
5. antiques
6. Mexican food
7. reading
8. baking
9. the original claymation holiday episodes
10. making lists (yes, I did this as a child too)
Like as a kid and still like
10 transformers
9 Bon Jovi
8 Vans shoes
6 Computers
5 music
4 Pizza
3 Animals
2 80's comedy's (dont make em like they used to)
1 All things star wars
Posted by: Kennedy's daddy | Thursday, January 08, 2004 at 01:07 AM
Well, pizza is just a GIVEN! :)
Posted by: Chana/Bunny | Thursday, January 08, 2004 at 05:17 PM
I like this idea, but I'd have to really think about it. :)
Posted by: Joe Siegler | Saturday, January 10, 2004 at 10:29 AM
This is a REALLY long list because a lot of things make me smile:
my husband
my son
my daughter
my daughter in law
a massage
a warm summer day
the smell of rain
chocolate anything
painted toe nails
puppy breath
a good book, a good chair and a fire in the fireplace
my laptop
good memories
worshipping God
grilled food
driving around with the top of my convertible down
a good movie with a friend
tickets to a production
traveling to see family or go on vacation
food in the frig
a good joke
card games
electric blankets in the winter time
visiting my parents
the first flowers of Spring
low carb recipes
answered prayer
a weekend at the beach
my garden
making gifts
having a dragonfly land on me
the smell of evergreen trees
the sound of the surf
finding a good author and reading all their books
finding something I've been looking for
seeing someone I've missed
looking forward to heaven
preserving moments in time
making entries into my blog
my brother (who read this list and said, "I don't make you smile?" and that made me smile)
spending time with my mom
knowing that I have two dads who love me
winning a pool match
Finding Nemo
sweet cream ice cream with oreos and chocolate chips at Cold Stone Creamery (NO, it's NOT low carb!)
Toy Story and Toy Story 2
Shrek and Shrek2
really good poetry
learning new skills
afternoon naps
intimate moments with my husband
a good hair day
going to see a musical
watching the waves of the sea roll in and out
birdsong on an otherwise quiet day
a good stretch
beaded things
a job well done
getting a check in the mail
bear hugs
baby giggles
sweet iced tea
a really good low carb dessert
when the scale shows I've lost weight
having a friend over for dinner
sharing good news
hearing good news
Posted by: shannonblogs | Friday, October 22, 2004 at 03:28 AM
Being Danny's Mom, I think maybe I might have found a picture a little worse that you might have wanted to post. I am still laughing over this one. Way to go!!!!!
Mom of Danny
Posted by: Kat | Saturday, March 11, 2006 at 12:26 PM
Top 10 Candies
Milk Duds
Fruit-flavored tootsie rolls
Hershey's Kisses
Tootsie Pops
Posted by: BB | Friday, September 25, 2009 at 01:58 PM