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Thursday, December 18, 2003



WoW! Chana you sound like a great Mom. Will you come & head up the 4th grade party for my son too??

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Very elaborate site and a very nice one too. Your 2 boys are fine young men, and I am sure you are proud of them. You home looks lovely too. Very nice, much like you, glad to be a friend,
Happy Holidays!!

Only 6 more sleeps!!!

aka _Bad__Guy_


Great! Was a great heart-warmer! Love your site!

Bunny sister

Speaking of checking it twice, the comments on this site is steadily increasing. Quite a site you have here for sure!!!


Quit doing all this wonderful MOM stuff,
And for the school, you've done enough,
But OZ needs you in the room even more,
Because we're winning, like never before,
Before you get the wrong idea, I must say,
We want you to kib, certainly not play.

Seriously, you have a great site here, and it's obvious you are so proud of you family, as well they should be of you. It's been my pleasure to be have known you via spades, unlike some of the cranky members on our team. Best wishes to you and yours during the holiay season, and will see you at the tables (kibbing of course - lol).


Pffffffffffft! It is "holiday". Some people just can't type can they Chana?


Very nice site Chana...Love your pets Jazz is Himalayan right?...I have 2 Himalayans myself and soon will have 2 Labs. I also have a relative with MS brother-in-law he is like a dad to me. I enjoyed visiting your site. Have a great Christmas.



nice home page MERRY CHRISTMAS


Merry x mas
Keep up the good work


not sure how i came across this, was great


What an awesome room mom you must have been. Hey, I just realized that your son is imitating the zebra behind him. Too cool!

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